Saturday, April 7, 2012

"Visual Impact for Women" – Jazzed to Introduce My New Women's Course!

Visual Impact for Women – only took me about a year to launch after releasing my men's course. I want to apologize for that. It wasn't my plan for women to have to wait that long to get their hands on this. That being said, I am completely jazzed about how the product turned out. It is going to help a huge portion of women who want to be fit and healthy, while still looking "slim and feminine". The number one complaint women give about working out is the fear of getting muscular and bulky. Nobody has addressed this head on…Until Today!

[It is possible to get in phenomenal shape without getting the typical "gym body"...but you have to take a training approach that is quite different than what is being taught by the mainstream fitness magazines and books.]

Many Women Avoid Training Since They Don't Want to Bulk Up

Despite what many fitness experts claim, this is a legitimate concern. True that women won't be able to add as much muscle as the typical male, but it is also true that they can add more muscle than what they want. In the past, these concerns have been brushed aside and women are suppose to get used to the idea of looking a little more muscular than what they would like. But it doesn't have to be that way.

Resistance Training Can Be Done in a Way to Decrease Muscle Mass While Increasing Muscle Tone

I have perfected the methods to lift in a way that will firm up an area of the body, while reducing the overall size of that same area. This does NOT involve high-rep training. Some quick pointers:

High-Reps are more likely to create a pump in the muscle which is perfect for building large Vascular muscles (but most likely you don't want bigger "veiny" muscles).
Pushing your reps to failure breaks down the muscle, which contributes to muscle growth…and can actually weaken the muscle if done on a regular basis.
The most important variable in gaining muscle is how hard you push the final reps in a set. <---So if you don't want to increase the size of a muscle, stop well short of failure.
Low-Reps short of failure is the best way to firm up a muscle without building size to that muscle. It is also less likely to create vascular muscles, since it will not create "a pump".

Just Some Pointers If You Decide Not to Purchase My Course

I wanted to make sure that even if you don't decide to pick up Visual Impact for Women, then at least you get a takeaway from this blog post. I don't like to do 100% promotional posts. If you want to lift to increase and firm up your body without adding size, then these tips will help. My comprehensive course covers quite a bit more than that, but this is a start in the right direction.

For more information please click picture below

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